Saturday, September 25, 2010

We are scooting down the road now.........

We left home at noon, Friday, had to wait for a new cell phone battery to arrive. Spent the first night in the Idaho Welcome Center Rest Area, night snuck up on us and our first attempt to find an RV park failed. The doggies are being exceptionally good, (where have our dogs gone and when will they be back) no tugging on their leashes, come first time you call them, stay when you tell them to, amazing.
Today we started on our arduous journey through Montana, I know, big sky country and all, but there is so much of it that looks the same and it goes on and on and on. We are in Livingston, Montana now, found an RV park, so it's showers for all and get to put all slides outs out in the rv, whooo hooo.
We learned that Butte, Montana is an International Port, perhaps all the beautiful things to look at blinded us to the ocean that butts up to Butte, or maybe a huge river or two????
Whatever, off to North Dakota tomorrow, Cindy has never been, then to Minnesota. No leaves yet, a few but not many.


  1. Ok Ladies and pooches, this blogging thing is HARD!! So far, then, its not been a "leafy" experience yet, huh? Miss the pooches terribly and want to know if you're spiking their milkbones if they are actually coming when called....very suspicious.....
    Seems like you are covering quite a bit of miles though!! Where's our pictures?

  2. ooooooo!! Should you go to Schenectady, MUST go to Veil Cemetery!! VERY haunted! Statues with bleeding eyes and everything!! LOVE IT!! Please take 'flying orb' pictures too, and make sure the pooches go, since they see spirits we can't!
    (I suppose all your other followers now know I'm your "whacky-wing-nut" friend from Auburn...well, if they didn't already!)
    Miss you and remember I am living vicariously through you on this trip!

  3. I guess Gracie and Timmy really wanted to go on the trip, and so they're being extra good.

    We want photos!
